DMI Blog

Elana Levin

Saving NYC’s middle class, transcripts available

The good people at Gotham Gazette went ahead and transcribed some of the important speeches and panels' from DMI's event the other week "The American Dream in the Big Apple: Is New York City still a middle-class town?".

Gotham Gazette article looking at the conference is really quite good (you can read it here) and that link will also take you to the transcripts. There are transcripts from Former Gov. Mario Cuomo, Prof. John Mollenkopf, Comptroller William Thompson, Congressman Anthony Weiner, Bronx Boro President Adolfo Carrion and Councilman John Liu.

Elana Levin: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 3:26 PM, Apr 16, 2007 in Cities | Drum Major Institute | Middle-class squeeze | New York
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