DMI Blog

Elana Levin

What is 23 million big?

23 million

That's the number of times people have tried to learn more about their members of Congress and have been successful, thanks to the Google Adwords component of DMI's Congressional Middle Class Scorecard.

Read this if you are unfamiliar with our scorecard and Google adwords campaign. We've graded every member of Congress on their 2005 voting records on legislation of importance to the squeezed middle class. DMI has a saying that if it wasn't read, it wasn't written, so to get the grades in front of the eyes of as many people as possible, we launched a Google ad campaign for every member of Congress. Each ad tells you that elected's grade on supporting the current and aspiring middle class, and links to our scorecard Web site for more information.
Since we launched our campaign in June, people have searched for their members of Congress over 23 million times and been presented with real information about whether their elected officials are representing them, not just political slogans. Thousands have clicked through to actually learn more about the legislation impacting their lives. Information is powerful.

Elana Levin: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 6:34 AM, Nov 03, 2006 in Economic Opportunity | Middle-class squeeze
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