DMI Blog

Cristina Jimenez

Immigration Reform Remains Widely Supported by Americans

Despite the arguments that immigration reform would be too difficult to tackle in 2010, Senator Schumer (D-NY) is pressing Democrats and the White House to make reform a priority.

Although the agenda for this year is not settled, Democrats hope to work on immigration and climate change. Republicans are expected to oppose immigration reform, but their opposition may help Democrats. A senior Republican aide said to Politico:

The whole reason some people on the Democratic side view immigration as a great issue is because there is a side of the Republican Party that frankly cannot help itself on the issue...They go ballistic, and it comes across as anti-Hispanic.

Advocates argue that taking on immigration reform would boost turnout among Latino voters in the midterm elections. But immigration reform does not only enjoy the support of Latinos, most Americans do as well. According to a new poll conducted by Benenson Strategy Group for America's Voice, 87 percent of Americans support a path to citizenship for the undocumented.

For those that argue that immigration reform would hurt rather than help the economy, check this out: 67 percent of Americans said that the country would be better off if instead of leaving the country, undocumented immigrants became legal taxpayers and contributed their fair share.

Americans get it--reforming our flawed immigration laws would benefit the economy and the nation as a whole.

Cristina Jimenez: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 3:22 PM, Jan 19, 2010 in Immigration
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