DMI Blog

Harry Moroz

Mayor Chavez to MayorTV: “Green makes green.”

MayorTV just sat down with Mayor Martin Chavez of Albuquerque, New Mexico. He spoke with us about creating schools as a space that is safe from immigration raids (Albuquerque, unlike other places in the United States, has a safe-schools policy that limits detention for immigration violations on school property) and emphasized Albuquerque’s green achievements. “Green makes green,” he quipped.

Pressed on his views about the middle class – and what cities can do to combat the nation’s growing wealth disparity – Mayor Chavez emphasized the infrastructure and physical spaces of cities as equalizers, while referring to federal tax policy as a more straightforward means of wealth redistribution. MayorTV will speak this afternoon with fellow New Mexico Mayor David Coss who has supported several local measures aimed at income and job security, including a living wage for Santa Fe.

Harry Moroz: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 11:22 AM, Jun 21, 2008 in MayorTV | Urban Affairs
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