DMI Blog

Liese Schneider

Another Chance for Student Aid

We have another (or maybe the first real) chance to save the $12.7 billion in Student Aid cuts proposed and passed at the end of December. The vote, where Mr. Cheney cast the deciding 'yay', was cast by the Senate on December 21st. But parliamentary procedure wins again! Senator Conrad used a procedural maneuver to strip two non-germane provisions out of the bill, which forced the bill back to the House to be approved. Now, House Representatives have a second chance to get it right - as their first look at the final bill was introduced to them a couple hours before the vote, at approximately 5am.

Representatives that need some special attention: Shays (CT), Johnson (CT), Simmons (CT), Ramstad (MN), Gerlach (PA), Saxton (NJ), Lobiondo (NJ) {if you are from these states, pick up the phone}

We need to let all Rep's know that these cuts will seriously hurt students and their ability to pay for college. Visit, insert your zip code, and find out who represents you. Then call this number 1-800-574-4243 and have them connect you to your Representative. There are also emails that can be sent.

Other ways to get involved.

Liese Schneider: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 12:43 PM, Jan 10, 2006 in Education
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