DMI Blog

Cristina Jimenez

Levy’s Record Of Getting Rid of the Inconveniently Truthful

Patrick Young, Long Island Wins blogger writes:

Now that Governor Patterson has elevated the allegation that Steve Levy's aide tried to stop a possible hate crime victim from testifying before the county's Hate Crime Task Force, people have been asking me if this is in character for Levy. Let me think....

When I called several Suffolk insiders, none of them said they would have been surprised if Levy's people had made the threats. Here's why.

Soon after Steve Levy became County Executive he convened a task force on immigration issues which he no doubt assumed would provide backing for his hard line anti-immigrant solution. When even some opponents of immigrants on the task force began to entertain a more sensible approach, he simply stopped the task force from meeting.

Read the rest of the story here

Cristina Jimenez: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 5:00 PM, Sep 17, 2009 in Immigration
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