DMI Blog

Cristina Jimenez

“Eight is Enough”: For Inhumane Immigration Practices Too?

While the largest workplace immigration raid in the nation’s history was happening in Laurel, Mississippi, 1,369 miles away, the Democratic National Convention was celebrating its opening day in Denver, Colorado.

Throughout the Convention, democrats were generally reserved about immigration. And of course, there was no word about Mississippi’s raid. But this tactic of inhumane immigration enforcement was part of Michelle Obama’s speech addressing the DNC Hispanic caucus. Michelle Obama said:

Hispanics should not have to live in fear of raids by immigration agents.

Mrs. Obama is absolutely right; the Latino community shouldn’t live in fear of deportations and raids. But what is her husband going to do about it? It’s still unclear.

Only about three months ago, in Postville, Iowa, close to 400 immigrant workers, mostly from Guatemala, were detained in the most shameful workplace raid in years. Last Monday, in Laurel, Mississippi, ICE agents raided the Howard Industries plant. Agents ordered workers to form two lines- one for Latinos and one for the rest of workers, close to 600 immigrant workers were detained.

In the last day of the DNC, in an effort to highlight the need to stop the raids, immigrant rights groups led a march of more than 800 people in Denver. Marchers denounced the Bush’s administration attacks on the immigrant community and the Democrats’ unwillingness to seriously commit to a humane legalization program and a moratorium on raids. As one of the participants of the march said:

The past seven years of the Bush regime have seen a dramatic escalation of attacks on immigrants on many fronts

And while Thursday night Mr. Obama told us that “Eight is enough,” those of us waiting for real and serious change are looking forward to an administration that says enough to inhumane immigration enforcement tactics and an unjust detention system.

Cristina Jimenez: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 7:00 AM, Sep 02, 2008 in Immigration
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