DMI Blog

Corinne Ramey

Paid Sick Leave Clips up on YouTube

Clips from our Marketplace of ideas event on paid sick leave are up on YouTube! Check out what Sara Flocks had to say about the Cheesecake Factory worker whose employer wouldn't let him stay home, so he had to wear sunglasses to work because he had pinkeye.

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney spoke on how the U.S. rhetoric of being a "family-friendly country" doesn't line up with our policy.

Andrea read from a memo opposing paid sick leave written by the Heritage Foundation. (Ironically, despite being against the policy, the Heritage Foundation does offer paid sick leave to its employees.)

You can also check out the liveblog of the event for more details and photos.

Corinne Ramey: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 4:36 PM, May 28, 2008 in Drum Major Institute
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