DMI Blog

Rinku Sen

Killed by the Cops

A collaborative investigation by the Chicago Reporter and ColorLines Magazine found that in the nation’s largest cities, growing numbers of Black and Latino people are being killed by cops. New York was found to lead the nation in the number of fatal shootings, which has held steady even as the city’s crime rate decreases. On the same day our study was released, an unarmed eighteen-year-old Black man, Khiel Coppin, was shot to death in New York. Coppin’s death points to an alarming trend in law enforcement: shoot first, ask questions later. The study also revealed Phoenix is the most dangerous city for Latinos in the country, the striking lack of police accountability for fatal shootings in Chicago and a promising case study in Washington, DC that shows police shootings aren’t inevitable. To read more from “Killed by the Cops” visit

Rinku Sen: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 3:40 PM, Nov 14, 2007 in Civil Rights | Criminal Justice | Racial Justice
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