DMI Blog

Sarah Solon

Watch DMI’s Marketplace of Ideas with Hon. Sharon Treat on CUNY TV

This week is the week: incoming Democrats in the House have pledged to lower the cost of prescription drugs in their first 100 hours. The time has come to beef up on terms like "single payer," "bulk buying," and "donut hole." Tune into CUNY TV TONIGHT Tuesday, January 9th at 12AM to hear Sharon Treat's list of lessons learned in Maine, which she offered up at out December Marketplace of Ideas as recommendations to incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi on how to make prescription drugs more affordable.

What was best about this Marketplace of Ideas event was that it got far beyond the politics of prescription drugs and their prices, and was instead a note-taking-worthy two hours of education about the complex factors that make up prescription drug policy. Watch tonight too for informative insight from Hon. Richard Gottfried, Doctor Jon Cohen, and Chuck Bell, Programs Director of the Consumers Union.

Sarah Solon: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 10:34 AM, Jan 08, 2007 in Health Care
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