DMI Blog

Sarah Solon

PODCAST: Maureen Lane on the comprehensive policy package that would actually make college affordable

Silver-Play-Button.jpgYou've probably read about the measure passed in the House recently that promises to cut interest rates on federally-subsidized student loans in half. It's certainly about time - because of soaring interest rates, too many students are left with a hefty dose of debt that eats away at their chances for financial security for decades. Borrowing rates have gotten so high that a degree is often more expensive for a low-income student who has to take out a loan to cover the cost of college than for a higher-income student who can afford to pay up front.

So, yes. This measure is something to celebrate. But it's not enough. As Maureen Lane puts it in this podcast, this bill is only out of the three federal actions that need to be taken to combat the unacceptably high cost of college.

Listen in as Fellow Maureen Lane explains what else desperately needs to be done. Without further ado, I present DMI's newest ASK A FELLOW! PODCAST...

Sarah Solon: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 10:00 AM, Jan 30, 2007 in Podcast
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