DMI Blog

Elana Levin

our development subsidy panel - watch and listen online

In case you missed DMI's Marketplace of Ideas panel last month - or if you're doing research for your own brilliant blog post - check out the audio and video we have of the panel now on the DMI website.

The subject of last month's Marketplace of Ideas panel was holding companies accountable for the public subsidies they are given - and even questioning the philosophy behind using public money for private projects like stadiums or offering businesses tax breaks to stay in the city. Everyone on the panel from good government advocate Assemblyman Brodsky to crusading New York Daily News collumist and Atlantic Yards supporter Errol Lewis was extremely passionate and pointed in their discussion.

You should know actually that all of DMI's Marketplace of Events events have audio, video and transcripts on our website. So if you want to listen to a podcast explaining why your insurance doesn't have to be so darn expensive for example- now you can.

Elana Levin: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 6:06 AM, Oct 25, 2006 in New York
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