DMI Blog

Chad Marlow

George W. Bush Is A Genius!

Well, not really. But you can't help but give the guy this year's Unbelievable Chutzpa Award. Think about it. The President has the New York Times catching his White House (and turns out, it was W. himself) ordering the illegal surveillance of dozens of not hundreds of American citizens on American soil by the National Security Administration. Warrants? Who has time for warrants? We're fighting terrorists and other evil-doers here!

Now talk about getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Substitute the Washington Post and Democratic Campaign Headquarters at the Watergate into the present scenario and I think you'll see the broader implications of where this could go. Now, what in the world is W. going to do? Panic? Absolutely not! Instead, he reasons, (perhaps correctly) that no President of the United States would dare stand up before an audience - even a hand-picked one - and admit he took actions that were illegal, unconstitutional and, perhaps, indictable. Why that would be a sure ticket to impeachment!


So W. decides to comes clean and admit he ordered the constitutionally-suspect surveillance and, get this, he plans to keep on doing it! After the audible thud of the White House Press Corps' chins collectively hitting the floor, the rest of the county was left to ponders the implications of the President's statement. What did most people conclude? "I guess the what he did can’t be that bad if the guy just admitted to it on national television!" That's just what W. was looking for, and the conclusion is entirely wrong - Bush's actions are starting to reflect the same utter distain for the Constitution that Nixon had. And if the world was just, both would meet the same fate as President. But let's face it, they probably won't. After all, in the 24 hour news cycle, its already distraction time. So Bush holds a prime-time, national address on Iraq (where the mea culpa-fest continues with a "my bad" coming from W. on the Iraq's non-existent WMDs) and then follows it up with another press conference the following morning. Now I can't even remember what the guy did that was so wrong.

Chad Marlow: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 11:36 AM, Dec 20, 2005 in Civil Rights | Democracy | Media
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