DMI Blog

Andrew Friedman

Chris Quinn Disappoints

Last night 1,400 low-income tenants from Make the Road by Walking, the New York City AIDS Housing Network, the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition, ACORN and the Housing Here and Now Coalition came together for a City Council Speaker Candidate Forum on Housing issues.

The packed auditorium was brimming with energy as tenants questioned the candidates about their positions on housing code enforcement, accountable development, affordable housing creation and many other issues.

The surprise of the night was watching Council Member Quinn run right on important housing issues. Quinn has long been an ally low-income and working class New Yorkers. She has been a fervent and effective advocate for the poor on a wide range of issues. Last night, though, she drew frequent boos from the crowd for failing to make specific commitments of support on key housing issues.

For example, in response to a question about whether or not she would use her power as Speaker to work to pass the Healthy Homes Act, legislation to increase accountability for slumlords, she was the only candidate present who failed to say "yes". This was particularly surprising because Quinn has been a co-sponsor of this legislation for almost a year.

Quinn sounded more cautious and politic than passionate. After her long career as a leading advocate for poor and middle class New Yorkers, it was a real disappointment.

Andrew Friedman: Author Bio | Other Posts
Posted at 8:08 AM, Dec 01, 2005 in Housing
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