DMI Blog

Guest Contributor

Marion Rodriguez

Marion Rodriguez is an organizer for the New York Campaign for Telephone Justice - a grassroots movement to help families stay in contact with their incarcerated loved-ones by ending the 630% mark-up the families must pay to receive phone calls due to the monopoly contract that exists between the Department of Corrections and MCI-Verizon. Marion is a graduate of ReConnect, a leadership and advocacy training program for formerly incarcerated women at the Correction Association of New York. She speaks from her personal experience in educating and empowering people about this important issue.

Marion discovered her role as an activist through the Americorps VISTA program, working for the Prison Families Community Forum, a member-led organization providing outreach and to families of people who are incarcerated in NYS prisons, and promoting personal and social wellness with its respectful and nonjudgmental approach.

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